I wrote this in my book sometime last year as I was feeling overwhelmed by the Lord's sacrifice. Months later I’m back in this place; amazed at salvation, wanting its truths and all that Jesus has done for me to ever be before my mind and in my heart. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.

Oh hallelujah, look what Yeshua has done.

Slain before the foundation of the world to make me a son.

How great a salvation, what a wondrous light.

No more a captive, but the object of His delight.

Redeemed by His blood alone.

He paid the price to make me His own.

And not just His because a father we now share.

A brother who would desire to make me a joint heir.

Hosanna, Hosanna, You are the greatest gift.

My mind can’t fathom, my heart can’t grasp it.

They downplay Your sacrifice. 

But You lift my eyes to see the truth.

Amazing grace, Your love abounds.

I once was lost but now I’m found.

Found in Your book, found in Your hand. 

Found in Your heart, found in Your plans.

Amazing love how can it be?

That the father’s son would die for me. 

Arms wide open, heart exposed.

You must now go out, there is more in this fold.

My house must be filled, the world needs to know. 

The only question is…

Will you go?

See your value in the Cross. Let your heart rest in this and this alone. You are loved. You are valuable. You are never alone.


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