We have had some amazing breakthroughs and testimonies this year, but there was one that truly touched me as it showed the Lord’s ways so clearly.
It starts with Pastor turning 50; his year of Jubilee! A few months before the big day, he confessed, “I’ve been releasing people from their debts; even at work.” One of the messages on Jubilee went a bit like this:
Proclaim liberty, you will eat from the increase. This is a year of accumulation, there is a grace to gather significant resources. The ploughman is overtaking the reaper. Thank God for everything morning by morning. You are going to build and you are going to inhabit. You will plant vineyards which are business ideas that will continually bring a harvest. This is your season, walk like you’re ten feet tall. Everything is preparation and positioning to be an asset to this generation and region. Expect the unexpected, position yourself.
A mere four months later the Word was tried and tested, but our God in His foreknowledge sent a man with an instruction, “Pastor Michael, I saw you with a letter in your hand and there was a figure on the letter, and you began to declare the blood of Jesus over the letter.”
Sure enough the letter came; the figure was large, but not large enough for our God.
The enemy or the testing seems to come in two’s in this house. Ding Ding, round two; fired on all cylinders, physically, spiritually and emotionally. The figure trebled; now this is more like it, talk about expect the unexpected. Rest was momentarily stolen and replaced with suggestive demonic dreams, and a weariness and strain took over the body.
But God aye Pastor!! A mere twenty-four hours later, I was privileged to be sitting in church listening to this story which ended with, “the lady on the phone said ‘in a few days time you will receive a letter saying this debt has been written off.’ ”
Cheers all around!
As I sat there smiling, what came to mind was…..do you remember when he was releasing people from their debts earlier this year? Our obedience today truly secures our victory tomorrow, everything we do matters.
All this to say, “Our Father is sooo good.” If we obey the leading of the Holy spirit, when the time of provision or need draws near there will always be a ram stuck in the bushes offering a way out.
The song says, “my God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do.” This is why He said walk like you’re ten feet tall!
I’m not trying to create my own theology, but I reckon the more it seems impossible, the more excited the Lord is to show Himself strong.
Faith is confidence in who…I AM.