I hear the words “Go low.”

In all humility go low.

In reverence go low.

In service go low.

The offended stand tall but lovers go low. 

The servant is not greater than his master. You do well to follow His example.

For He counted the cost, not regarding His reputation. 

He counted the cost, death on the cross.

He counted the cost, separation from His father.

He paid the price for Our redemption.

He paid the price for Our reconciliation.

As He is, so are we. 

As He is, so am I.


Go low in all humility.

Go low in reverence.

Go low in service 

The offended stand tall but lovers go low.


My understanding of the ‘Go Low’ I heard was in relation to the posture of my heart, my pride and selfishness. If we desire to be like Him, the state of our heart must be addressed. Jesus said a people draw near to me with their mouth but their heart is far from me. In His mercy He reveals to us what is in our heart, giving us sight to see our true condition outside of Him. Never leaving us there. He gives grace to the humble and shows us His way. He calls out: come follow me, learn of me for as I am so are you in this world. 

We must see Him to become like Him. Jesus, our picture of true love who endured all things for our sakes. Who had the right to be offended, put down His cross and could have called 12 legions of angels but chose to go low, so many could enter in.  

A note from Andrew Murray: 

Jesus humility is our salvation, His salvation is our humility.

Our one need is to study and know and trust the life that has been revealed in Christ as the life that is now ours. It waits for our consent to gain possession and mastery of our entire beings.

We must seek a humility that rests in nothing less than the end and death of self: that gives up all honour of men as Jesus did, to seek the honour that comes from God alone; that absolutely makes and considers itself nothing so that God maybe all, so that the Lord alone maybe exalted.

Humility, Andrew Murray 1993 edition Whitaker House.


Image ownership: Peter Brutsch

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