From the Desk of Apostle Michael Da Costa
In the same week that the country mourned the passing of our monarch and beloved Queen Elisabeth II, our family, community and church mourned the sad and sudden passing of our own queen, Pastor and Prophetess Marlene Veronica DaCosta. My queen and destiny partner.
Even though my wife and co-pastor of our beloved church New Nation Destiny Centre had been fighting cancer for ten years, continuous victories throughout the years saw her faith and hope and also ours rise from level to level. Her service to the church, to our children, to the kingdom assignment of advancing God’s church was second to none.
Pastor Marlene’s desire for the rising of a righteous church and a righteous people was deep in her passion, that she knew would ultimately see the manifestation of a fresh atmosphere and experience of God’s presence in today’s church.
As a woman of God with a sharp prophetic eye and discernment, she held close to those who carried the DNA of God to enable us collectively to work towards finishing our kingdom assignment.
Pastor Marlene’s last few weeks and months saw a remarkable testimony of a woman that carried in her body the sufferings of Christ, one who even in her sick bed at hospitals and hospices ministered to many, releasing the love and peace of Christ wherever she was. On one occasion a nurse who having worked in the hospital for over twenty years noted, “I have never met someone who when I walked into their room experienced the purest of love and peace.”
My wife and co-labourer in destiny has now found her rest and peace in her saviour’s arms and I could not want or desire for her to be in a better place - at times selfishly I want her back and that is my natural loving desire as her husband and best friend, but God knows best.
We spoke often and candidly about our walk and work together; we were strong in our focus to the call of God upon our lives and that of our children. We knew that if a day came where either of us were unable to carry on, the other must ensure our assignment and work of the kingdom carries on. Her desire was to carry on, my desire is to carry on and as such that is the case. The ministry of NNDC carries on The ministry of Marlene Da Costa will carry on in her life messages, writing and books.
The ministry of Michael Da Costa carries on with great focus, servitude and by God’s grace continues the work and assignment bestowed upon us.
We will continue to advance the kingdom We will continue to raise a prophetic generation
An Advancing church
An Apostolic church
A Generational church
An Empowering church
A Restoring church
A Legacy church
I would like to conclude in giving thanks to the many from near and far who sent messages of condolences during this difficult time. Your love, care and commitment to our wellbeing has been warmly received.
To our beloved church NNDC you have ministered to us as a family with such respect, love and honour. My prayers are for your peace, love and joy in Christ and that He would show His favour upon your lives as we advance the kingdom together.
In closing we continue to ask for your prayers as we press forward in our kingdom assignment.
Yours in Christ
Pastor Michael A Da Costa
Senior Pastor - New Nation Destiny Centre