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“And I will send you another…”

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“And I will send you another…”

The beautiful thing about God is that He always has a plan – reconciliation (restoring man back to Himself). From the very beginning (Adam, Eve, Serpent and sin – Genesis 1-3) until NOW – God’s plan is to always restore us back to Himself. 

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GIVE UP the Ghost


GIVE UP the Ghost

At the end of December 2017, I heard the words “give up the ghost.” During that specific moment in time, I had absolutely no idea what that meant but I KNEW God was speaking to me personally. That’s the thing I love about God, He gives you a Word in every season…


He Was Moved With Compassion


He Was Moved With Compassion

It’s awesome how five simple words of a language can change a person. Who ever thought that five words could articulate what it means to be human? What human is to look like on the Earth… pretty amazing right?


Let Your Will Be Done


Let Your Will Be Done

'I have glorified you on the Earth: I have finished the work which you gave me to do’ (John 17:4). This is the scripture I received after hearing myself pray, ‘Let your will be done in me as it was in Christ Jesus’.


God is STILL God and soil is still soil…


God is STILL God and soil is still soil…

I know exactly what you’re thinking… “He’s lost his mind,” or “What’s with all these crazy titles and posts?’. Ha! Let me explain…

I’m gonna get right to the point with this one; let’s look at the parable of the sower (Luke 8: 4-15). Jesus takes us through the understanding of this parable and explains about where the seed (the Word) lands, and the condition of the people that receive it. He makes it very clear that the sower (God) can and will sow seed to anywhere it is needed, but the focus is on the condition of the soil and its surroundings.